by kathrynthach | Aug 26, 2022 | Articles
What Should I Pack? Anxiety over packing your kid’s lunch? Here are a few combos and a list you can use to make your own combos. Cheese sandwich with organic bread + hummus+ baby carrots + grapes Turkey and cheese roll ups + apple slices + trail mix + yogurt Cold...
by kathrynthach | Feb 3, 2022 | Articles
Avoid “Naked Carbohydrates” This means avoid eating carbohydrates all by themselves without protein, fat, or fiber. These three help slow carbohydrate digestion and prevent the blood sugar spikes that lead to inflammation and elevated insulin release,...
by kathrynthach | Sep 21, 2021 | Articles
I love infused water in the summer, but as the weather cools off, I forget to make it!! Infused water can take you back to your favorite spa. Even if the trip only lasts a few seconds, I’ll take it. You can use an infuser or a water pitcher that will fit in your...
by kathrynthach | Sep 21, 2021 | Articles
Are you a member of the clean plate club? Many of us are. I personally hate to waste food. I go out of my way to save and repurpose leftovers, but it’s not always feasible. Sometimes we tell ourselves “this is so good, I don’t want to waste it.” “What a shame to throw...
by kathrynthach | Sep 21, 2021 | Articles
This time of year brings change, a faster pace, a longer to-do list, additional stress, and for many of us…stress eating. This is a common thing, so if you’ve noticed yourself reaching for your comfort foods more often, you are not alone. We are wired to eat when...
by kathrynthach | Aug 26, 2021 | Articles
Do You Struggle With Emotional Eating? 86% of people who are trying to improve their eating habits and achieve a healthy weight report some degree of emotional eating. We are human. Emotional eating is something that we are probably always going to do to some degree....